All-women short lists? Surely not!

Dame Irene Ward - selected without a sexist shortlistDavid Cameron has come out in favour of all-women shortlists for the Conservative Party, or rather the Modern Conservatives. He thinks it's a good wheeze. Will get his benches filled with Dave's Babes just like Blair did in 1997 for his side of the House, so it will. It's probably a sign of the times. It's not really democracy as we know it. More a kind of set menu instead of a la carte.

I wonder what those great Tory women MPs of the past would have made of it. Imagine Margaret Thatcher pitted against five other women. How did she get selected at Finchley? Was she favoured in some way? I rather doubt it.

Edwina Currie, Dame Jill Knight, Nancy Astor, Peggy Fenner, Lady Olga Maitland, Dame Irene Ward (plus large hat!), Ann Widdecombe, Angela Rumbold, Joan Hall and Lady Tweedsmuir are ten notable women who have served the Conservative Party with both distinction and independent minds. Get those ten in a room (if only it were possible!) and get Dave to tell them that they faced an all-women shortlist and he may very well get a load of all-women short shrift!

Ed Balls biding his time before ear bashing

Ed Balls is now hoist on his own petard. By getting Maggie Atkinson, the new children's commissioner in place and saying she will be no "patsy", he will now have to sit around like Vesuvius, the volcano. Better to remain dormant than active. The first time she has to cross swords with him in public, the public will be reminded that he thinks she's no patsy and cheer her on in her confrontation with him.

As she's only got nine months left with Mr. Balls in charge I'm hoping she will rattle his cage a bit sooner than that.

Damian Green's arrest "not proportiate"

Ex-British Transport Police chief Sir Ian Johnston has said that the leaked information that found its way to Damian Green amounted to "embarrassment" for the government but did not threaten national security. He said the arrest of the Tory frontbencher, as part of an inquiry into Home Office leaks, was "not proportionate".

The police probably knew this at the time, but under New Labour they feel that they are in a bind. "Damned if they did, damned if they didn't". That's the view of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary, Denis O'Connor. Hardly a proper footing for initiating investigations.

The main question now is - "Who authorised the arrest in the first place?" - that's the one that may be is the most interesting to know.

Glasgow North-East By-election

John Smeaton, Jury Team candidateIf I were a voter in the Glasgow North-East by-election, I'd be concerned that my vote counted. Normally I'd suggest that the Conservative candidate would make a good MP and that by voting Conservative the government would get a bloody nose and all the rest of it. And in truth that would be true. It would be seismic in this part of Glasgow.

What have the voters of this constituency got on offer? Possibly the chance to vote SNP, or LibDem as an alternative. Would that do them much good? I doubt it. I'm inclined to think that in this particular election the Glasgow voters have an opportunity to do something for themselves. If they elect John Smeaton, of the Jury Team, they would be doing two things. Sending a man to Westminster who was there with a message to clean up the shambles of the expenses system and who would not be arm-twisted by the whips. His very presence might just get the three main parties to realise that something was up. Up until now, precious little has got through to them. This might just work.

It would also not upset the apple cart by causing a fall of government. That can be left to the General Election. But as an effective protest, well I know of no better.

John Smeaton, Jury Team candidate for Glasgow North-East -

MPs face further expense queries

It doesn't surprise me that some MPs are being investigated and challenged about their expenses for a further time. It has not left the minds of many voters as an election issue. If it has, it will be reignited just like putting light to a time bomb. Memories will be refreshed, revitalised and ready to deliver a verdict.

Gordon Brown says "Some cases will end up in the courts, where someone's done something very wrong we've got a duty to deal with them most severely". Sounds good, but he was very keen at first to keep all this expenses stuff silent. He colluded with the former speaker to delay or censure detail. If we had not known the addresses of property, he would now have no duty "to deal with them most severely". In fact, when the lists were disclosed in the Daily Telegraph, Gordon Brown was quick to wonder how his Sky TV expenses would look.

The Jury Team is one political party that will use the expenses scandal to advance their cause. I sense others will too. In fact, the "Others" are coming up in the poll rankings. Fifty years ago, they were a blip. Now they are capable of swinging seats in any direction by taking anything up to 5,000 votes from the three main parties.

The next election will not be a done deal for anyone. It could all end up by deals having to be done.

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