Everything Michael Martin has done as Speaker is to confirm to the world that a sheet metalworker from Glasgow can hold his own amongst those perceived as being far more educated than he is. He has put up with snobbery and slurs. It a lot of ways he may not have the sharpest mind, but he has always struck me as having something of the cleverness of a streetfighter. Some may call it ducking and diving, although for me it rather ressembles being streetwise.
Much of this talk about the Speaker tells more about the members themselves than about him. With an electorate baying for political blood, all bets are off as to who gets what votes. Both Labour and Conservative parties have taken a hit in the opinion polls. The Liberal Democrats are voicing the "sack Martin" message, amplified today by leader Nick Clegg. In a sense, Michael Martin is not so much a scapegoat as a heat deflector. He's expected to absorb all the criticism so that MPs can return to "normal" politics.
Tomorrow will confirm what Speaker Martin will do. Unless I'm totally wrong I am certain he will be Speaker at the end of the week as he was at the beginning.