However, on Monday night, Labour backbenchers let rip at Harriet Harman and said some quite nasty things to her face. All because she said racism, telling lies and smearing opponents had no place in the Labour Party. It should have no place in any party.
Is Phil Woolas loved by so many? Or is there some kind of feeling that the courts should not get involved? I can't understand it. Politicians make the laws that govern elections. If they are so beefed up about it, get the law changed. Make it perfectly legal to insinuate that someone is gay, doesn't live in a constituency, is a racist, has dealings with terrorists, fans extremism and is an all-round bad egg, even if none of it is true. That's the way to progress.
As it is, Woolas was found guilty of corrupt election practices. Fine for him to appeal, but let's not suggest that what he did was OK because it wasn't.