Sir Patrick Cormack comes to the point!

Whilst the Daily Mail keeps the kettles and coffee pots at raging boiling point in the serenity of surburbia, with its moral outrage at MPs expenses (they didn't get the scoop!), it is up to MPs to defend us against our democracy becoming a political forum for the wrong sort.

Sir Patrick Cormack rightly says, in defending Alan Duncan's central message, "We don't want a parliament of political anoraks and rich people. Those who have a vocation for public life shouldn't be deterred from going into parliament because they can't afford to contemplate it. Being an MP is an extremely expensive business." David Cameron, probably sensing that the majority of Conservative MPs and others agree with this, is not going to sack Duncan. It was the secret filming by Heydon Prowse that started this re-ignition of interest in Alan Duncan.

Ask yourselves this question. Do I want Heydon Prowse (pictured) as my next MP? A whole chamber made up of his type and we will all be secretly filmed, told what to do and given our marching orders! Baby out with the bath water, eh? Prowse runs an online business called Don't Panic. Nice title, but I think we should all panic at the very thought of him and democracy mixing.

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