Andrew MacKay says he has nothing to fear. I think not. He is in deep doo-doo and should go quietly. He has let down the constituents of Bracknell by his cavalier approach to public money. Public money for a private purse. He may well be a very good constituency MP. Some may back him to the hilt. Others, though, are gunning for him and it is not just the usual suspects in the opposition parties. Conservative voters are lining up in the "ditch MacKay" camp.
The local newspaper, known online as GetBracknell, is not out to get MacKay. But they are not pushing his cause as a continuing MP either. Their online poll is "Should Andrew MacKay step down as Bracknell MP after he claimed unacceptable expenses?" and when I checked 78% said yes.
MacKay has decided to hold a public meeting next Friday in Bracknell. Could be a noisy affair given the volatility of the BBC Question Time audience last night. If the public meeting goes ahead, I doubt very much that he will come away with an answer that he likes. In that, he has everything to fear.
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