For the first time since I don't know when, the counters at the Norwich North by-election won't have to start counting until tomorrow morning. I think the last time a daytime result was on offer was the Honiton by-election in which Sir Peter Emery was victorious. 40-odd years ago! That was a good result - Emery stood to address the assembled masses and said, "The first thing you will want me to do is..." and a chap from the crowd conveniently interjected, "Bugger off back to Reading!". Gales of laughter from the Liberal Party and red faces from the Conservatives.
There are various reasons given as to why democratic tradition such as by-election night is knocked on the head. One is that it costs more to pay people, such as the police, to hang around until the early hours. Another is that bank clerks, traditionally employed for their rapid digit dexterity, are too knackered after a day counting other people's money in the financial product selling shops.
Whatever the reason, Norwich North has gone politically due south. No result until noon tomorrow. High Noon? Maybe. This has been a fairly fevered election, with UKIP and others putting up a bold fight for votes. Can the Conservatives cut the mustard? Maybe. But as Sir Jeremiah Colman wryly pointed out, he got rich by the amount of mustard people wasted on their plates. Can David Cameron get rich in votes or will the electorate waste them by staying at home?
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