Alan Duncan has got himself into a spot of bother. He has been caught out on tape saying some things some people think he ought not to have said. He was heard to say MPs were being treated badly after the expenses scandal and "have to live on rations". David Cameron, his leader, was none too happy.
Whilst I deplored Duncan's original approach to the expenses scandal, I do think he has a point much overlooked by his well-to-do wisteria claiming leader. That is, if MPs are to be just a load of salaried hacks, most of them emanating from behind the desks of quangos, research departments and think tanks, we are all going to be a damn sight worse off. No more farmers, no more business people, no more doctors, scientists or the like. Just professional politicians or those with independent means.
Alan Duncan said, "No one who's done anything in the outside world or is capable of doing such a thing will ever come into this place ever again the way we're going. Basically it has been nationalised. You have to live on rations and you are treated like shit." I think his crime was not that he said it but that he thought it. However, now that he's said it (and it is probably true in large part if everyone was truthful to themselves) only those like the recent winner at Norwich North will want to stay chirpy and chippy and reading from the script.
When I first studied politics, after the 1964 general election, there were all sorts of characters as MPs. Maybe after the next election we will have all sorts of characterless people representing us. I really do hope that that is not the case. Alan Duncan is a character and the sort of MP we need.
As a side issue, the news channels suggested Duncan used foul language. The BBC in particular sounds rather hypocritical. Most programmes get the message before they start - "the following programme contains strong language". In all this expenses business there are far more hypocrites that paragons of virtue!
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