Telephoning voters will be a "thing" many of us will get used to over the next few weeks. These two are real pros. David Cameron has a top-notch telephone manner and Eric Pickles gets straight to the point. I'd love to be a fly on the wall here. "You do the colonel chappie David and I'll do the butcher bloke!"
Just imagine you're settling down to an evening's brainless box-watching and the phone rings. You hear Eric Pickles and his dulcet Yorkshire tones tempting you to vote Conservative. Are you in a mood to hear the message? I don't know, but apparently many people are, as otherwise Pickles and Dave wouldn't be doing it. But I'm not one for this American style coaxing. I prefer to watch the TV and see Eric sound off to the ones who need to give the answers. Or better still, see the action in person.
Basically they just want to hear the word "YES". I tend to waffle on a bit, so I think I'm down as a Miss, if you know what I mean.
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