William Ross, formerly an Ulster Unionist MP, is standing for the Traditional Ulster Voice in East Londonderry. Currently chairman of the TUV, he is coming back into frontline politics, or hoping to, as the heart and soul of unionism gets a tugging and a tussling as the various unionist parties vie for pole position. Most unionists these days appear to have had previous unionist incarnations, and Willie Ross is no exception!
Ross says, “Many people will ask the question why I have put my name forward again for front line politics. Quite simply, like many thousands of decent Ulster men and women I have been outraged by the general behaviour of many Members of Parliament, including some from Northern Ireland. They have fallen short of the high ideals they professed and which people expected of them." So the political sleaze of recent years will be, partly at least, an election issue in this part of Northern Ireland.
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